Dr.Patkar’s Vitamin C 60 Capsules

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.


Seek Vitamin C for a Healthy Being!

IMMUNITY BOOSTER: Strong immunity is the need of the hour, and there is nothing better than vitamin C to boost immunity levels. Vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect the body against infection.

RADIANT SKIN: Vitamin C enhances collagen production, combats aging, manages fine lines and wrinkles, and enhances your skin’s natural regeneration process, which helps your body repair damaged skin cells and add a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin C also keeps skin pH acidic which prevents the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

HEALTHY HEART: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties that guard against oxidative damage, and manage inflammation, citric acid helps to dissolve the deposited fat, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

ENRICHED WITH AMLA: Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C Capsules are enriched with Amla which has high-quality benefits for your health. It discourages cellular damage that slows down the body’s natural aging process, combats oxidative stress, guards against free radicals, enhances memory, promotes glowing skin, supports heart health, and boosts immunity.

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Unlock the Power of Vitamin C with Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C Tablets

Essential Nutrient for Vital Functioning: Also known as ascorbic acid, stands as one of the most critical essential nutrients vital for the proper functioning of our body. Its versatility makes it a perfect ingredient to boost the immune system, strengthen joints, and enhance skin glow, contributing to overall well-being.

Supplementing Daily Nutrition: While a balanced diet is essential, it may not always provide the required daily dose. That’s where Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets come into play. These tablets are carefully formulated to complete your daily Vitamin C needs efficiently. By incorporating these tablets into your routine, you ensure a consistent supply of this essential nutrient.

The Power of Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C Tablets: These tablets work diligently to enhance the production of collagen, support amino acid metabolism, and aid neurotransmitter synthesis. Such effective action promotes healthy skin, strengthens joints, and boosts overall health.

Collagen Production Enhancement: Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets work tirelessly to enhance collagen production in the body. Collagen, a vital protein, is responsible for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and youthful appearance. By promoting collagen synthesis, these tablets contribute to healthy, radiant skin, helping you look and feel your best.

Supporting Amino Acid Metabolism: Amino acids play a crucial role in various bodily functions, including muscle repair, hormone regulation, and immune system support. The diligent action of Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets supports amino acid metabolism, ensuring the smooth functioning of these essential building blocks of life.

Aiding Neurotransmitter Synthesis: Neurotransmitters are chemicals that facilitate communication between nerve cells, influencing various aspects of mood, cognition, and behavior. The powerful formulation of these tablets aids neurotransmitter synthesis, promoting optimal brain function and mental well-being.

Healthy Skin and Joints: The effective action of Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets has a profound impact on the health of your skin and joints. By encouraging collagen production, these tablets promote skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Simultaneously, they strengthen joints, contributing to improved mobility and flexibility.

Overall Health Boost: As a comprehensive wellness supplement, It provide benefits that extend beyond specific areas of the body. The enhanced collagen production, amino acid support, and neurotransmitter aid contribute to overall health and vitality, helping you achieve a balanced and energetic lifestyle.

Discover the Power: Experience the transformative potential of Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets and witness the positive impact on your skin, joints, and overall well-being. Embrace the power of these tablets as part of your daily routine and unlock a healthier, happier you. Trust in the quality and efficacy of Dr. Patkar’s formulation to elevate your health journey to new heights.

The Key Ingredient: Green Amla Powder: Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets are enriched with the key ingredient, Amla Extract. Amla, also known as the Indian Gooseberry, boasts a high concentration of Vitamin C, making it a potent antioxidant. This natural shield safeguards against oxidative damage, which can be linked to various health issues. Moreover, Amla extract plays a vital role in managing inflammation, encouraging prompt immune response, and preventing cellular damage. Its diverse benefits extend to regulating blood sugar levels, combatting signs of aging, and enhancing memory.

Dosage and Usage: To experience the full benefits, it is recommended to take 2 capsules of Dr. Patkar’s Vitamin C tablets daily – one after lunch and another after dinner. Of course, personalized dosage recommendations from your dietician are equally valuable to tailor the experience to your unique needs.


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